Educational Events

Agribusiness Career Day

Each February, the Agribusiness Association of Iowa Foundation sponsors the Agribusiness Career Day at the Agribusiness Showcase & Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. 

AAI Foundation awards 15 scholarships each year to ag students that attend. Each $1,000 scholarship is sponsored by an industry member company. Launched in 2014, the ABC Day is celebrated its five-year anniversary in 2018. The event averages 220+ ag students from 15 of Iowa's community colleges. 

How Students Can Participate

The future of ag is you! Have the opportunity connect with agribusinesses during this unique event. Students get the opportunity to meet with the HR contacts at our industry companies. These companies have full-time, part-time, and internships available for college students and graduates. Listen to morning speakers that cover everything from what is the best way to have a great professional social presence, how to get the right internship, who is the best to network with in college, and so much more. Visit for details on each year's event. 

How To Support/Donate

For more information about supporting the Agribusiness Career Day as an Event Sponsor or Scholarship Sponsor - visit for details on each year's event. Our for companies section provides downloads and detailed information on how to donate.